If you or someone you care about is in crisis and needs immediate help, call the Crisis Hotline at
(888) 724-7240
The phone lines are answered by trained professionals available 24/7; the call is free and confidential. If emergency medical care is needed, call 9-1-1 or go to the emergency room of the nearest hospital.
The University of Minnesota presents, 'Taking Charge of Your Health & Well-Being,' created by the Center for Spirituality & Healing. Below you can click on links to enhance your well-being!
How Do Thoughts & Emotions Impact Health?
Deal With Negativity in a Healthy Way
These self-help tools are not a substitute for therapy or help during an emergency. They are made available to you because some people have found them to be helpful.
What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?
How Friends and Family can Help
Facing Your Fears: Exposure
Healthy Living
Realistic Thinking
How to do Calm Breathing
How to Do Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Guide for Goal Setting
How to Tolerate Uncertainty
How to Solve Daily Life Problems
Effective Communication - Improve your Social Skills
Getting a Good Night's Sleep
Overcoming Perfectionism
How to Effectively Manage Obsessions
Unhelpful Interpretations of Obsessions
How to Write a Worry Script
How to Prevent a Relapse
This is a list of printable worksheets that may be helpful to you.
Obsession Fear Monitoring Form
Help is available! Find easy access to mental health and suicide prevention resources by using the links provided here.
Mental Health - Local Resources
Suicide Prevention and Support
Resources for Men
Resources for Women
Resources for Parents
Resources for Older Adults
Resources for Young Adults
Resources for College Students
Resources for Veterans, Active Military and Their Families
Resources for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning Individuals
Resources for Health Care Professionals
Resources for Faith Based Communities
Resources for Autism Spectrum Disorder
Mental Health - National Resources